How to Keep Your Smart Home Safe

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Just like you would protect your computer from cyber-attacks, you also need to protect your smart home. If this sounds strange to you, this is what you need to know; virtually all your smart devices are connected to the internet, this is why you can remotely get things done even when you’re away from here. More importantly, your smart security system works with the help of the internet, and once attackers have access to your security system, it is as good as nothing.

So, you want to ensure you keep your smart home safe from attackers. If you barely know how this works and how to keep your smart home safe, this article contains everything you need to know.

Tips to Keep Your Smart Home Safe from Cyber Attacks

Protect Your Network

Your smart devices won’t be regarded as “smart” if they can’t connect with your home’s Wi-Fi network. So what makes these devices smart is their capability to connect to any Wi-Fi network to perform their functions. If you already have a fair knowledge of cyber security, you know that attackers can steal your information through your Wi-Fi network. This usually happens when you leave your network open.

To prevent such events, you should secure your Wi-Fi network with a strong password so that unauthorized persons won’t have access to it, which could result in hijacking your system. Even though some of your house members need to access the Wi-Fi network, you should assign each person a unique password. This way, you’re certain that no other person can have access to your system. And you can also monitor who is trying to gain unauthorized access to your network.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

A smart home is one that allows you to control your devices remotely—from anywhere, mostly through an app installed on your phone. And for most people, when they are out, they want to use public Wi-Fi to surf the internet and, perhaps at the same time, decide to use their smart home app for whatever reason. This is really dangerous, as attackers can steal your information easily on public Wi-Fi. So, what to do? It is simple; avoid using public Wi-Fi to connect to the internet.

Most cyber security experts have warned about the dangers of connecting to public Wi-Fi. It makes your device vulnerable to cyber-attacks. And if your information is stolen, it puts your home at risk. Maybe your smart home app controls your door locks and security system; your attackers can easily break into your home when you’re away.

Use Unique Passwords for all Accounts

Are you one of those persons that use a single password for everything concerning the internet? Facebook, Twitter, Email, Your phone password, etc., all the same password? If you do this, then you’re taking a severe risk. This is because, if by any means one of your accounts is hacked, the hacker may try to access any other of your account with the password, which could allow him access to other things.

By all means, try to set a unique password for all your accounts—social media platforms, shopping sites, websites that allow control of smart home devices, and any service you use online. This can help keep your smart home safe from attacks.

Secure Your Device

Whether you’re controlling your smart home via your smartphone or a dedicated device, you should keep them secured. Apart from setting a strong password, a great way to add extra security to your smart home app accounts is to enable two-factor authentication. When anyone attempts to log in to your app from another device, the system prompts for an authorization code sent to your other device. The attacker may have no other choice than to quit if he’s not able to get the code. While this is not 100 percent reliable for your security, it is a reasonable means of adding extra protection to your devices.

Buy Smart Devices from Reputable Brands

Not all brands on the market offer you extra security like the two-step authentication. So you want to ensure you purchase your smart devices from trusted brands that care about the safety of users. Such brands design their products with security in mind, and they do cover some loopholes where attackers may likely go through to hack your system. Always check for reviews from existing users before you go for any product. That should help you get the best products.

Reset Your Device Before You Resell

If for any reason, you want to sell out your device, it would help if you reset the device to factory settings to prevent unpermitted access to your security apps. Most people go-ahead to sell their used devices without minding if their accounts are currently logged into the device. It’s a terrible mistake that puts you at risk. It is enough to sign out of your accounts, ensure you wipe out all data entirely.

Get an Active Antivirus

As you probably know, antivirus software can help protect your device from malware. Most times, people get attacked by downloading software that contains malware. So, you want to ensure you get the best antivirus program to protect you from malware attacks, that may eventually hurt your smart home.

Wrap Up

Keeping your smart home safe is not a daunting task. You just need to carefully implement all safety measures that keep your device safe from unauthorized access. Also, update your apps regularly—always check to see if an update is available and do not hesitate to upgrade. Current versions of apps do come with upgraded security measures.

More so, if you’ve fallen off with any of your friends that had access to your apps, change them immediately and always change your password regularly. Anyone may decide to harm you at any time when they are unhappy, so block all loopholes. Your smart home is part of your home’s security system, and you don’t want to compromise for any reason.

If you do like to read more smart home tips, including the best smart home devices on the market, our blog is here for you.

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