💧NEW PRODUCT: Ezlo's Smart Water Shut-Off has landed! Learn more here.
💧NEW PRODUCT: Ezlo's Smart Water Shut-Off has landed! Learn more here.

How Ezlo can Automate Your Entire Daily Routine

Nothing beats the mental peace of knowing that everything is in place. This is why we created MiOS. Everyone nowadays is working hard, maybe has a side hustle, and still has to keep the house safe, secure, and in order. By giving your home the capabilities of MiOS, you can make your days smoother and complete more tasks.

Mornings with Ezlo and MiOS: The Perfect Start

Integrated Weather Insights for Ambient Awakening

Our mood can rely on our environment, so keeping yours on schedule in the morning is important. Starting your morning off right is the number one thing you can do to set yourself up for success. MiOS has weather app integration, so no matter where you are, you can automate your lights to turn on while the sun is rising or whenever you’d like. Waking up with the light gradually turning on helps wake the brain up to start the day. Plus, you’re less likely to hit the snooze button if your lights are already on (just saying)

Automated Blinds: Greet the Day on Your Terms

Why stop at lights? With the power of MiOS, your blinds can be programmed to rise with the morning sun or at a time of your choosing. This extra push can take one step out of your morning routine and give you a little nudge to get the day rolling.

Prepping Your Workspace: The Advantage of Automated Apps

MiOS ensures your workspace is primed for productivity as you get up. Daily-use apps like Slack and Google Docs (or any other cloud app) can be automatically launched and ready for you. Say goodbye to manual setups and let routine automation set the stage for a productive day.

Mid-Day Mindfulness

Lunchtime Luxuries: Personalized Automation

With MiOS, even your breaks can be enhanced. If you’ve set a specific time for lunch daily, you can program your smart devices to play your favorite mid-day playlist or news recap, turning lunch breaks into real breaks; you should be relaxing.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

MiOS ensures you’re always in the know, whether at home or away. The power of MiOS brings all of your devices together. So if you have a doorbell from one company, sensors from another, or cameras from another, you can integrate all of those different branded devices into MiOS so you will receive notifications only in one place: The MiOS App. Taking it a step farther, if you want to get away from your phone during work hours, you can set up MiOS to send notification to Slack or other cloud apps in an emergency. This way, you can focus on work, put the phone away, and not worry about missing something crucial.

Easing into Evenings: Routine Automation for Relaxation

Setting the Evening Ambiance

Evenings are for relaxation and recuperation. With a simple preset, you can dim the lights, turn on your favorite relaxation playlist, and even adjust the thermostat to a cozy evening temperature, all orchestrated perfectly by MiOS.

Dinner Delights with Cloud Integrations

Leveraging the power of cloud programs, MiOS can sync with your favorite apps to turn dinner time into an entertainment feast. From playing your favorite podcast episodes to streaming the latest news, you’re in for a delightful culinary experience.

Night-time Nuances with Ezlo

Preset Rituals for a Peaceful Night

Everyone has their pre-bed rituals. Whether reading, meditating, or watching a show, MiOS ensures your environment is primed for relaxation. From softening lights to adjusting room temperature, every detail is catered to.

Stay Alert Even in Slumber

The beauty of MiOS lies in its ability to stay alert so you can rest easy. Program your system to notify you of any unexpected movement or changes in your home environment. You’re always in the loop, whether it’s a window breach or a temperature fluctuation.

The MiOS Advantage: Precision over Prediction

While many might tout the importance of learning systems, there’s an undeniable advantage to systems like MiOS that rely on precision over prediction. Without the baggage of trying to “learn” and predict habits, MiOS offers a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to automation.

Here’s the difference:

  1. Precision Programming: You can program specific actions based on your requirements. There’s no over-reliance on machine learning or algorithms that might misinterpret your habits.
  2. Consistent Performance: With MiOS, what you set is what you get. The system doesn’t divert from your instructions based on learned behaviors, ensuring that your home functions exactly as you’d like.
  3. Full Control: Not predictive behavior means you’re in complete control. Want to change your settings or introduce new commands? With MiOS, it’s a straightforward process without the need to “unlearn” prior habits.

In Conclusion: Living the Automated Life with Ezlo and MiOS

As we delve deeper into the age of smart living, tools like Ezlo, empowered by MiOS, provide an avenue for true personalization, control, and efficiency. They bring to life the dream of a home that not only shelters but also intuitively serves its residents.

Through routine automation and the power of precision programming, we’re not just passive inhabitants of space but active architects of our daily experiences. We craft moments of ease, productivity, and joy with each automated task. Welcome to the future of living, where every day is a masterfully orchestrated event.

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At Ezlo we work with an industry-leading number of devices, but if there’s a Z-Wave or Zigbee device we don’t currently work with that you’d like to see us integrate, just fill out the form below to let us know. We’ll get it done within 90 days.*

*Integration requests available for Z-Wave and Zigbee devices that are commercially available, as defined by Ezlo.

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