Home Video Security Systems

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Placement and features of home video security systems

For someone who’s never installed surveillance cameras before, to begin meddling with home video security systems is a daunting challenge. What camera to pick, where to put it, how to make it work. Sheesh. But fret not.
Here are some pointers on what makes good home video security systems.

Placement of home video security camera systems

Every home is unique. But there are a couple of vantage points you want to consider. Rather than thinking you want this number of cameras, you should instead evaluate your home and pick the best vantage spots. Look for places that offer wide viewing angles and have high traffic. Some of these include:


Cover your front, side, and back doors. Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity. 34% of burglars come in through the front door and 45% through back-doors and first-floor windows. The best home video security systems cover every door, including side and basement doors.

Off-street windows

Windows facing away from the street offer privacy for trespassers. Install an outdoor camera above the window or have an indoor camera monitor the window from inside.

Master bedrooms, living rooms, and other common areas

Burglars like to make this their first stop once they gain entry. They know most people store cash, jewellery, watches, wallets, and other valuables in dressers and maybe shoeboxes under the bed. Perhaps a cereal box in the kitchen.

Garage doors and driveways 

Some of these criminals are bold enough to walk up to your garage door in full view of the street. An outdoor camera above the garage door can help you detect nefarious activity.

You want the camera to be placed in a generally inaccessible location to protect it from vandalism and disturbance. Outdoor cameras should be at least 9 feet off the ground and if the camera is not of sturdy construction, consider placing it under a shelter.

Keep in mind that home video security systems are no good if they cannot see the perpetrator’s face. Keep those home video security systems angled well towards the action. Make sure they are secure. You don’t want them flailing in the wind.

Last but not least, for wireless home video security systems, ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal to avoid watching choppy distorted video footage.
Next, we’ll have a look at the three main cameras you’ll likely want for your home video security systems set up and what features you should be on the lookout for:

Indoor, Outdoor, and Doorbell Cameras

Not really used for capturing intruders, these cameras are used in homes mostly so that homeowners can keep an eye on what’s happening inside. You’re probably feeling anxious about that dog you left behind and whether it’s couch sitting. How about the nanny and the baby?

Indoor cameras give you peace of mind. Doorbell and outdoor security cameras do the same but outside. And because outdoor home security cameras are exposed to the elements they must be waterproof and more durable than indoor cameras. Most decent home video security systems will have a mixture of these three.

Here are the home video security systems features you need:

  • Good video quality – a resolution of 720p and above will do. Most cameras nowadays come with at least a 720p resolution. Remember to check that your bandwidth can handle it.
  • Two-way audio – How else would your dog know you’ve got eyes on him? Two-way audio allows you to communicate with the person on the other end and vice versa. Two-way audio adds versatility to your home video security systems.

You can communicate with nannies and caregivers and have a sense of being there and offering care even when miles away. You’re present even when you’re not.

  • Motion sensing – this gives you the freedom to look away. No one has the time to watch a video feed 24/7. Motion sensors can alert you to movement. Alerts are sent to your phone or designated device when something of interest happens.
  • Field of view – make sure your home video security systems can capture the areas you want to see. In most cases, you want a wider field of view so you can see everything at once without having to reposition the camera.
  • Low light – your home video security systems shouldn’t leave you blind in the dark. Pick a camera with low-light features such as infra-red or thermal imaging. Thermal imaging can work in total darkness although image details will be lacking.
  • Cloud or local storage – home video security systems need a record of what they see for evidence purposes. Local storage can fill up quickly so you need to monitor that. Cloud storage can be costly with monthly/annual fees. Saving measures include regularly deleting footage you don’t need.


The things that make good home video security systems come down to what you need the system to do and how well you’ve implemented the system. Pick your spots carefully. Choose the features you need and make sure that the video feed can get to a designated viewing device in good quality.

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