Things to Do Before You Automate Your Home
A lifestyle of comfort and efficiency is guaranteed when you automate your home. But, if not installed the right way, you might not be able to maximize its full potential. So, there are things you should check first before you automate your home.
Installing home automation is not an instant thing. Preparing your home even before actually installing the smart devices could be beneficial. This ensures that you are maximizing everything you deserve from home automation.
Look for Weak Spots Before You Automate Your Home
Before you automate your home’s security, make sure to put strength in its weak spots. So, what are these weak spots in your home?
The weak spots in your home are those that could be potential entry points for elements. These elements, in particular, are burglars. These spots are usually windows, front door, and backdoor. You might also want to add balconies or chimneys on the list.
Make sure to take notes of those weak spots so you would know where to install your security devices.
For example, you might want to put the motion sensor closer to the doors or windows. You could also install the security cameras to where burglars could possibly enter.
You might also want to install that automatic lock to the door you use more often. It does not matter if it is the backdoor or the front door. For example, you use the backdoor more often than the front door. Then, consider installing the automatic lack on the former.
So, before you automate your home, make sure you will not miss a spot. Security should be a priority before we could exercise our home automation ideas.
Look for Possible Blind Spots Before You Automate Your Home
Just like what has been said before, take note of weak spots before you automate your home. The same principle could be used when installing security cameras.
Before you install security cameras, take note of the possible blind spots. This procedure could be done before and after you install cameras. When you’ve already installed cameras and see a blind spot, you could adjust it a little.
Make sure to leave little blind spots as possible. These blind spots are potential hiding places for burglars. Look for places where a burglar would hide from your camera’s field of vision. You might trim some of your plants or light up some dark areas.
To widen your security’s field of vision it is advisable to use cameras with convex lenses. Convex lenses widen the image cameras could capture. So, such lenses are ideal for security cameras.
Look for Dark Areas Before You Automate Your Home
Like blind spots, dark areas in your house should be minimized for security reasons. Just like what has been said before, these could be potential hiding places for burglars. These areas could be their potential routes as well.
Dark spots should also be noted so that you could put smart light bulbs around them. In this way, you are minimizing dark areas so you could have a well lit home. And, by cutting down the number of dark areas, you’re cutting down the number of hiding places for burglars.
Take note of areas that cannot be reached by sunlight during the day. You might also want to but your smart light bulbs on those areas.
Before you automate your home, draw a map of your house. Note the ones that are dark and those that are reached by sunlight. Look at it and decide where to put your smart light bulbs.
Look for Holes on the Roof Before You Automate Your Home
Before you automate your home, you might to check out the roof for holes. Home automation devices contain electronics. They are not always guaranteed to be waterproof. Just a drop of rainwater could destroy your home automation ideas.
So, before you automate your home, check your roof. If it seemed necessary, repair your roof first before installing anything. Your smart devices will protect you from the elements. But, they need protection from elements as well, especially rain.
For example, you may also put security cameras to places where it will not get wet when it rains. You may install security cameras under the protection of the portico.
But, if you really need to install a smart device to much-exposed areas, buy waterproof gadgets. For example, waterproof outdoor security cameras are widely available. They are ideal for outside installation.
Check if Signal Flows Well Before You Automate Your Home
Another important thing to do before you automate your home is to check the signal. The area where your home is situated can have a reputation for weak signals.
There are also houses where signal penetrates not that well. This is true, especially among old houses.
A common building material for old houses is plaster and lath with chicken can be the culprit. Also, if stucco is used to build the outer part of your home, it might have a metal mesh inside. Such building materials are known to block Wifi and cellular signals.
Before you automate your home, check if the signal is good. If not, you might have a problem connecting with your smart devices.
You could remodel your house or you could also do much simpler solutions. For example, you could install your router in the basement. There is a higher chance that the signal could pass through the wooden floor very well.
You may also install other routers in different areas to distribute the signal well.
Installing home automation could be a demanding job. But, the benefits will be totally worth it.
Are you interested in automating your home? We could give you a hand for that. If you have questions about home automation, let us hear them at +1 (866) 966-2272. You can also send us your inquiries at