If you want to add automation and security to your garage door, the Genie Pro Max Garage Door Opener has everything you need. It offers numerous great benefits including the fact that it is very secure and also very easy to work with. The Genie Pro Max can offer you additional security for your garage doors and thereby also allow you to increase the security of your home.
When it comes to garage automation, having a reliable and secure product is essential for any home or business. A modern garage door opener can significantly improve your security as well as make it much more convenient for you to manage the entrances to your home or office. That’s what’s important to always choose a reliable and advanced garage door opener to help secure the entrances to your home.
Remote Garage Door Opener The Genie Pro Max is a great benefit for any home or business owner looking for security and great automation. It has an opening speed of up to 7.5 in./s with a limited lifetime motor and gearbox warranty. The system also makes use of the popular Genie Intellicode security system and it is also compatible with a variety of other home security systems.

Features of the Genie Pro Max
The Genie Pro Max has an invisible beam across the door opening, which will allow the garage door to automatically stop and reverse when something is sensed in its way. This will improve safety and protect people, animals and property from getting in the way and damaged or hurt. The Genie Pro Max remote control garage door opener also provides additional safety by continuously monitoring the operation of the door, stopping the operation to alert you when significant changes occur.
The system has superior encryption technology that helps to prevent piracy of the radio signal, by providing a brand new code every time you press the remote button. This code combination is one out of possible billions of combinations so no need to worry about any interference.
The motor of this Genie system provides enough power to operate almost any size garage door. It has a very quiet operation and allows for a smooth opening and closing with a soft start and stop. The system also comes in a two-bulb lighting system, using two 100-watt bulbs to provide sufficient lighting, convenience and safety.
The SmartSet program features make push programming easy and the setup process very fast. The Auto Seek Dual Frequency feature allows for the system to automatically seek the right frequency produced by the remote, helping to ensure that the opener will respond, regardless of nearby interferences.
With the very convenient GenieSense™ Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology your Genie Pro Max Garage Door Opener will deliver the power needed for every movement of your garage door and it will continuously monitor the operation of the door, allowing you to immediately stop and reverse if something is detected in its way. This means that you will have a safer garage door operation, while automatically minimizing noise, and wear and tear on the door.