Making the Most Out of LED Outdoor Rope Lights
You see them on mall windows or as festive installations for key holidays like Christmas or the 4th of July. You may have hoisted them up yourself during said times to build a feeling of celebration at home, perhaps when family and friends are celebrating together. Outdoor rope lights are one of many options to decorate the home or any establishment. Unlike string lights, these outdoor lights on rope are often protected by a clear tube. These LED rope lights are also a lot more economical and environment-friendly. Incandescent outdoor lights on the rope may take up more energy, and may not last as long as LED outdoor rope lights. Also, since incandescent outdoor lights take up more heat, they can combust and are considered fire hazards. If you’ve started using LED outdoor lights on the rope instead of their incandescent counterparts, good for you. However, we at Vera would like to share further ways to use your LED rope lights. Though these outdoor lights on rope are more intended for decorative purposes, you can use your LED outdoor rope lights in ways that are more for logistical aid. Let’s explore the uses of LED outdoor lights further:
More Than Wrapping
The easiest way to decorate using the best rope lights? Wrap them everywhere: trees, fences, poles, everywhere. Another means is to line up the perimeter of your lawn, the frame of your windows or doors, or basically anywhere that a “line” can be traced. However, there are more means to make good use of the festive beams of outdoor lights on a rope. If you have paintings on your porch or deck, don’t like the frame, but the actual painting, to emphasize the artwork further. Don’t place your LED outdoor rope lights on top of bushes. Instead, weave them inside so the lights will shine from inside the bush, giving a different depth to the ornament. Placing your outdoor lights on a rope this way is also helpful for plants in the evening, and in colder weather during fall, winter, or spring. The heat that comes out of the LED outdoor rope lights will warm up your bushes and tree branches, giving them life even in the darkness of night.
Since your LED rope lights are protected by an almost impenetrable PVC pipe, you can submerge them on ponds, aquariums, and fountains for a creative take on lighting. Your outdoor lights on a rope can also be placed under decks or behind frames, like with windows or art installations, to project light without revealing the source. This technique is often used with strip lights, but your outdoor lights on a rope can work in this way, too.
Security and Safety
Some placements of LED outdoor rope lights may seem like ornamental purposes, but they are actually subtle ways to improve safety and security around the house. You can place outdoor lights on a rope within the perimeter of swimming pools to bring caution to the area, for example with kids running around during a night swim. Trace steps on stairs and raised platforms with LED outdoor rope lights to guide those who are differently-abled. Use outdoor lights on the rope to identify walkways towards the door, and not allow guests to fall off a raised pavement or step on the grass. You may even put your outdoor lights on a rope in areas that are susceptible to trespassers, like the backyard fence or gate. Your LED outdoor rope lights may seem like only for decoration, but in truth, you are using outdoor lights on the rope to shine a better light for your security cameras.
Energy Options
While the length of your LED outdoor rope lights may seem like you can put them almost anywhere, energy options will even stretch your list of where you can put outdoor lights on the rope. Solar-powered LED outdoor rope lights can be put up to the highest areas of your roof, thanks to batteries that power up the lights in the evening and gather energy in the morning. By installing motion-sensor capabilities, your outdoor lights on a rope will light up at the onset of a nearby person. For walkways and stairs situated in darker areas, motion-sensor lights are a godsend. Also, you can program your LED outdoor rope lights so that you can turn them on and off using Alexa, Google Home, or any smart home option. You can get more creative with your outdoor lights on rope thanks to these energy options.
Hope We Roped You In!
We at Vera are very excited for you as you try out the ideas we presented here. Your use of outdoor lights on a rope just reached better potential. But to give you other options to illuminate your house, and even to turn it into a smart home, take a look at our offerings for lighting options here. Aside from LED outdoor rope lights, we hope to help you further in lighting up your home.